4 Challenges & Solutions to Managing Remote Salespeople

1. Identify what’s working and what needs improvement.

Hold weekly conference calls. Create an open discussion among your sales reps where they can provide thoughtful feedback from their WFH and outreach experiences.  Discuss and explore potential strategies to fix what isn’t enhancing your team’s activity sales performance.  

2. Encourage salespeople to combat the lack of face-to-face communication. 

Skype, Teams, Zoom, GoToMeeting, still allow us to connect through video and phone. Encourage your team to use the technology at hand to build rapport with these tools – it’s as close to “normal” as we can get right now, while face-to-face is not an option.  

3. Reduce anxiety revolving around the uncertain times.

Continuously instill confidence in your sales team that business will return back to normal, so that they can translate this positive outlook into their prospect outreach.  

4. What’s important now is activity and relationship-building, not sales.

Working salespeople are superstars for picking up the phone every day, sending sales emails, and keeping up with their customers. They will show they care, continue to build a soft pipeline and relationships, and sales will come later. 


Is your sales team facing any other challenges? How are you tackling these obstacles 

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