8 Positive Things That Have Happened in the Midst of the Coronavirus Pandemic

During these trying times, finding the good in the world has become increasingly difficult. Despite all of the bad things this pandemic has brought to our lives, there are so many good things happening that have been overshadowed by news of the coronavirus. In an effort to spread some light where it seems there is none, here are eight developments that have happened to spread some well-needed positive thoughts and allow a few moments of escape. 


1.  Scientists discover the smallest dinosaur ever known, approximately the size of a hummingbird  
2. For the first time, a gene-editing technique, CRISPR, was used in an attempt to cure genetic blindness. Results will be known in a month  
3. The fragment of an ancient lost continent has been discovered off the coast of Canada  
4. Giant asteroid will fly by Earth in April  
5. Second patient in the world cured of HIV  
6. Museums are sending each other virtual paintings while they are closed 
 7. Families are adopting and fostering pets to bring them joy during this time  
8. Astronomers have found the edge of the Milky Way  


By Mallory McBride 


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