The Benefits of Crafting a Well-Written Prospecting Script

The Benefits of Crafting a Well-Written Prospecting Script

The most daunting part of making a sales call is preparing for the unknown. Will I reach decision-makers?  What kind of questions will the decisionmaker ask? Am I prepared with the best responses? Enter the sales script! Think a script is only useful for newbie salespeople? Think again! With the new year comes an opportunity to dust off old material and think of our messaging in a new way. This also allows for an opportunity to showcase new technology, services or offerings you’ve recently added. Taking the time to craft a script that is timely and relevant can mean the difference between a closed deal (great intro, effective probing questions and a convincingly delivered Value Propositionand a lost opportunity (due to a poor introduction and lack of engagement questions that lead to a summary dismissal). 

Consider these benefits of taking the time to craft a new prospecting script:     (more…)

“Call Me After the Holidays”

“Call Me After the Holidays”

As the cold weather approaches, so does the infamous objection that anyone making prospecting calls dreads to hear: “Call me after the Holidays”.

With Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Years and other holidays on the horizon, the excuse that prospects won’t have time to talk until after the New Year is going to pop up often. Many prospects will get lost in the thought of good food and spending time with friends and family. While your mind may drift off into similar thoughts of your own, you can use this time to increase your sales pipeline into the New Year!

Here are some tips that will help prevent your pipeline from freezing during the winter holiday season. (more…)

Uncover Your Agency’s Value Proposition

Uncover Your Agency’s Value Proposition

—Reprinted with permission from Professional Insurance Agent Management Services Inc.—

In addition to a reliable prospect list, your agency’s value proposition is arguably the most vital element of your overall marketing messaging. A value proposition explains how your product solves customers’ problems or improves their situations. Let’s face it, it’s not always easy to differentiate in the insurance industry. From our work helping insurance agencies get sales appointments with their prospects, differentiating (on paper) has proven to be the most challenging piece of the sales process—but it is the most important first step toward an effective sales strategy.

It’s easy for an insurance agent to be a quote shop, but in an effort to not become commodity-based, let’s explore how to uncover the value proposition to get the insurance buyer’s mind away from just thinking about the price of a policy. That is not to say that the cost shouldn’t be part of the prospects’ mindset, as saving money often is the first consideration. However, how you save them money is part of your value proposition. A solid value proposition demonstrates credibility and expertise while developing trust.


The Consultative Sell on an Introductory Sales Call

The Consultative Sell on an Introductory Sales Call

Ask Questions To Learn About Your Prospects’ Wants And Needs

It is easy to fall into the trap of “I’m calling to give you a quote” rather than engaging in a meaningful dialogue. Asking good questions is the best way to learn more about your prospect’s needs and desires while, at the same time, building rapport. Rather than being viewed as “another Insurance agent”, you will become a valued advisor. This technique is referred to as consultative selling.

It would be easy if there was one right set of questions to ask that would always guarantee responses that we want. The best approach is to create a mix of open-ended questions that get your prospect talking, along with questions that easily yield a “yes” response or get the prospect thinking of what their current broker is NOT doing for them. (more…)

Don’t Let Your Pipeline Dry Up this Summer!

Don’t Let Your Pipeline Dry Up this Summer!

Summertime is here: the weather’s hot – but don’t let the summer heat wilt your business. In fact, summer is a great time to market – no matter what type of business you have.

Sure, it’s true, more people go on vacation during the summer, but that doesn’t mean that companies shut their doors and head to the beach for the entire three months of summer. The average worker gets two or three weeks off, and the rest of the time it’s business as usual.


Appointment Setting – Today’s Leading Sales Strategy

Appointment Setting – Today’s Leading Sales Strategy

We all know and love movies like ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ and ‘The Boiler Room.’ They give us an inside peek of what the sales world is like: fast-paced, addictive, and deceptive. Well, that’s how Hollywood depicts it. As much as there is to love about these movies, they have tarnished the reputation of the sales industry and created mass confusion about what appointment setting is.  Luckily, we have research and industry statistics to explain what appointment setting is, what the benefits are, and why it’s best to outsource the practice.


B2B Prospecting – Know Your Numbers

B2B Prospecting – Know Your Numbers

“Sales metrics can help you guide your prospecting efforts”
As Featured in: Inside Dental Technology

Written By Amanda Puppo, CEO of MarketReach
August 2018
Volume 9, Issue 8


6 Steps to a First Meeting with the Dentist

6 Steps to a First Meeting with the Dentist

“Secure a first meeting with a potential client”
As Featured in: Inside Dental Technology

Written By Amanda Puppo, CEO of MarketReach
June 2018
Volume 9, Issue 6

Hubspot Report Part One – The Hard Truth About Acquisition Costs

Hubspot Report: Part One – The Hard Truth About Acquisition Costs (and How Your Customers Can Save You)

Hubspot Report Part Two – The Hard Truth About Acquisition Costs

Hubspot Report: Part Two – The Hard Truth About Acquisition Costs (and How Your Customers Can Save You)