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The Power of B2B Telemarketing in the Convenience Services Industry

In an enlightening podcast episode from the Vending and OCS Nation podcast hosted by Bob Tullio, the conversation with Amanda Puppo, founder and CEO of MarketReach Inc. sheds light on the undiminished relevance of B2B telemarketing in today’s digital age. Despite prevailing skepticism, Puppo’s insights reveal that B2B telemarketing, far from being obsolete, remains a dynamic and effective tool for generating business opportunities, especially in the convenience services industry.

A judges' gavel rests on a desk next to a scale.

B2B Telemarketing

If you’re looking to grow your business through B2B telemarketing, it’s important to understand the laws governing the industry. The United States has strict regulations regarding telemarketing, and violating these laws can result in hefty fines and legal repercussions. MarketReach has over 20 years of experience in running successful telemarketing and appointment setting campaigns that are reliably compliant with state and federal laws. We ensure that all of our B2B telemarketing campaigns or any other telemarketing services in New Jersey are conducted legally and ethically.

B2B Telemarketing Services in New Jersey

When it comes to telemarketing services in New Jersey, there’s a lot we can offer. Here are seven key aspects of our telemarketing services in New Jersey:

  • Personalized calls: We tailor each B2B telemarketing call to suit the business we’re talking to.
  • Skilled team: Our callers are trained to handle different types of conversations.
  • Lead generation: We help find new leads for your business through our calls.
  • Appointment setting: We can set up meetings for you with potential prospects.
  • Follow-ups: After the initial call, we keep in touch to build the relationship.
  • Customer feedback: We gather insights from the calls to help you understand your market.
  • Reporting: You’ll get reports on how the calls went and what we’ve learned.

B2B lead generation in New Jersey is a big part of successful telemarketing because it’s about finding new people who might want to do business with you. Scheduling a telemarketing appointment is a chance to talk in more depth with a potential client. We’re transparent with our marketing solutions in New Jersey. You get a full package that supports your sales and marketing efforts.

Building Initial Rapport and Questions to Qualify

Building Initial Rapport and Questions to Qualify

Not all prospects are created equal. In B2B, staff size minimums, decision-maker titles and names can be a baseline of data points that require confirmation to determine if the company is worth pursuing. The goal is to confirm and validate information on that first call.

The ability to quickly develop initial rapport during a qualification call can lead to more successful sales opportunities as the process moves along. Being able to create a comfortable environment for conversation, where the guard goes down, will allow for results to be achieved. Finding out information about a potential target before they answer the phone, is vital. It determines whether or not a company is eligible to pursue, resulting in the proper allocation of sales team labor. It is very expensive for marketing to produce unqualified prospects, and then for the sales team to not recognize this until weeks of time and energy were expended chasing the wrong people or companies! Let’s take a look into how to identify a pursuable prospect, and then how rapport is built throughout the interaction.


The Ultimate Guide to B2B Telemarketing

The Ultimate Guide to B2B Telemarketing

How to Improve Your B2B Telemarketing Results

If you are a B2B business, you rely on making meaningful connections with other businesses to sell your product or service. When it comes to connecting with real people, there is nothing that works quite as well as a phone call. That’s why B2B telemarketing is the best way to get a prospect to move into and through your sales funnel.

Even still, telemarketing is getting harder every year. In 2007, it took an average of 3.68 calls to reach a high-ticket prospect. Now, it takes around 8 calls on average before you can connect with the prospect. 

Getting your highest-priority prospects on the phone is a must. That’s why you need to make sure your B2B telemarketing strategy and execution are top-notch. 

In this article, we’ll show you how to set yourself up for success in the world of B2B telemarketing

Key Takeaways

  • B2B telemarketing is a marketing tactic where a business will call business owners and decision-makers with the objective of selling a product or service. 
  • B2B Telemarketing can help you build relationships with prospects while closing bigger deals more frequently.
  • Effective telesales relies on appointment setting. This should be a priority in your telemarketing initiative.
  • Before calling a prospect, research them thoroughly.
  • Focus on building rapport while you’re on the phone. 
  • If you or your in-house team are not delivering the results you’d expect, try working with a telemarketing agency.
A woman making sales appointments.

How to Set Sales Appointments using B2B Telemarketing

Key Takeaways:

  • Find a telemarketing agency with a proven track record. Avoid off-shore telemarketing agencies.
  • Focus on lead gen, make sure to implement a lead qualification process so you don’t waste time on low-quality leads.
  • Don’t be pushy when calling your pre-qualified leads.
  • After you close a sale, deliver exceptional service. This leads to word-of-mouth referrals which makes more inbound leads for your business.

When you run a B2B business, your telemarketing can (and should) look different from other run-of-the-mill telemarketing operations. 

You need every call to drive a deeper relationship with your prospects. You need your leads to not just agree to set a sales appointment – but you need them to WANT to set up a sales appointment. 

Sales appointment setting through telemarketing can be a daunting task, so we’ve compiled a how-to guide to help you get started! 

Let’s dive in- 

What’s a Book of Business Got to do with Picking Up the Phone?

What’s a Book of Business Got to do with Picking Up the Phone?

How can calling still drive leads? It’s suprisingly a very effective way of marketing. People always have their phones available, so contact has never been easier. You just need to know how to sell to whoever answers your call.

After speaking with several successful, tenured producers at the Professional Insurance Agents’ (PIA) annual conference in Atlantic City, it was interesting to note that many built key blocks of their book of business through outbound calling.  Evidently picking up the phone has got a lot to do with a book of business.

Some will protest this statement, citing, “But it is 2022 now.  There is no way a producer could profitably or reasonably add new clients to their book of business by pounding the phones, is there?” The answer is, yes. Here’s why.


B2B business call center

Why You Should Outsource Your Overflow of Customer Service Calls

Key Takeaways

Outsourcing overflow customer service calls will:

  • Reduce the time you spend hiring new staff.
  • Reduce the risk of hiring the wrong people for the job.
  • Reduce the time and money spent on training new staff.
  • Reduce the uncertainty of payroll costs, allowing you to dial up or dial down spending as needed.

Receiving customer service calls means that your customers know they can contact you for assistance, but when you have an overflow of them, it can change that perception.

When you have tons of customers needing your help, it can lead to many not getting responsive and timely answers. Or they can feel rushed from the conversation. These can bring your company’s perception down rapidly.

Perhaps you’ve been toying with the notion of calling all customers in an outbound, proactive approach to either touch base, understand their new needs, or just simply – to show you care. While there is no telling when we will go back to business as usual, it is important to make decisions now that will benefit your company in the future. Ultimately, outsourcing your overflow of customer service calls will eliminate the costs of:  

A man using a laptop.

How to Research Prospects Before a Sales Call

When you go about getting prospects the wrong way, your results will be below expectations. So instead, let’s talk about the right way to go after prospects. It’s all about the warm calls over the cold calls. Here are the best tips to help you research your prospects:

Key Takeaways

  • First, use resources online to research your prospect. Look for their website, social media, articles they’re cited on, and news articles mentioning them.
  • The best information you’ll get will come directly from the prospect themselves. Refer to records of your company’s prior engagements with the lead. You may find these records in your CRM or prospect spreadsheet.
  • When setting up your call with the prospect, remember to be timely with your prep for the call. Show up with an outline of what info you want to share with them. During the call, confirm that you’re on the same page regarding key points.

Online Research

Research will allow you to have a better understanding of the company you’re calling on, which will lead to a successful conversation with your prospect. This information will let you personalize your pitch to create a unique connection and build rapport with each prospect. Not only will you grab the prospect’s attention by “due diligence” demonstrated, but they will be more likely to listen to what you have to say! Perhaps even more important- research (i.e. qualifying) will offer insight into whether a prospect remains pursuable.

There is plenty of publicly available information online. Researching a company on LinkedIn is one effective way to acquire valuable information. For example, the company page typically showcases their services and industry-related articles, as well as a list of their awards and achievements. Browse the company website to explore their mission statement, published blog content, or a staff list. This list may identify their name and title, which will help in determining who the right contact is.

Trends In Phone Outreach And Business Growth

Trends In Phone Outreach And Business Growth

After the year we’ve just been through, there’s no time like the present to have your sights set on growth. Phone outreach is one of the most efficient and effective ways to generate revenue. But let’s be honest – phone outreach isneasy. 

From dealing with hard-to-reach prospects to getting in touch with the wrong people, phone outreach can be difficult. But, if you’re not already using it as a strategy to grow your business, you’re going to want to start now. The numbers speak for themselves – look at these statistics and trends about phone outreach and business growth:   (more…)

3 Tips to Gain Your Prospect’s Attention

3 Tips to Gain Your Prospect’s Attention

The first 15 seconds of a phone call can make or break how successful it is. This time period is your only opportunity to grab their attention, making it even more daunting.

Since their time is valuable, represent yourself and the company in a concise, yet unique, manner. Differentiate your company in order to create a lasting first impression through an intriguing conversation. Be sure you are interesting to talk with by using vocal variety in your tone.

Follow these tips to help capture your prospect’s attention on a cold introductory call, and secure more time with decision-makers!
