8 Essential B2B Demand Generation Best Practices for 2023

8 Essential B2B Demand Generation Best Practices for 2024

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Written by William Anthony
For Integrate.com

Key Takeaways

  • Demand Gen is a marketing tactic that helps bring your ideal clients to you by generating interest in your product or service.
  • You can generate demand by building better relationships with businesses, enhancing operational efficiency, and focusing on your top-of-funnel process as well as implementing account-based marketing tactics.
  • Consistent communication with your clients, as well as your sales and customer service teams, will help you get the best information about how to generate demand.

When you have a product or service that is in high demand, you’ll see in increase in profits and the lead generation practically comes to you.

Demand generation is a B2B marketing discipline designed to create interest in products and services that results in greater sales pipeline opportunities and revenue. A comprehensive, effective demand generation strategy will also result in happier customers and better sales-marketing alignment.

A man using a laptop.

How to Research Prospects Before a Sales Call

When you go about getting prospects the wrong way, your results will be below expectations. So instead, let’s talk about the right way to go after prospects. It’s all about the warm calls over the cold calls. Here are the best tips to help you research your prospects:

Key Takeaways

  • First, use resources online to research your prospect. Look for their website, social media, articles they’re cited on, and news articles mentioning them.
  • The best information you’ll get will come directly from the prospect themselves. Refer to records of your company’s prior engagements with the lead. You may find these records in your CRM or prospect spreadsheet.
  • When setting up your call with the prospect, remember to be timely with your prep for the call. Show up with an outline of what info you want to share with them. During the call, confirm that you’re on the same page regarding key points.

Online Research

Research will allow you to have a better understanding of the company you’re calling on, which will lead to a successful conversation with your prospect. This information will let you personalize your pitch to create a unique connection and build rapport with each prospect. Not only will you grab the prospect’s attention by “due diligence” demonstrated, but they will be more likely to listen to what you have to say! Perhaps even more important- research (i.e. qualifying) will offer insight into whether a prospect remains pursuable.

There is plenty of publicly available information online. Researching a company on LinkedIn is one effective way to acquire valuable information. For example, the company page typically showcases their services and industry-related articles, as well as a list of their awards and achievements. Browse the company website to explore their mission statement, published blog content, or a staff list. This list may identify their name and title, which will help in determining who the right contact is.

Trends In Phone Outreach And Business Growth

Trends In Phone Outreach And Business Growth

After the year we’ve just been through, there’s no time like the present to have your sights set on growth. Phone outreach is one of the most efficient and effective ways to generate revenue. But let’s be honest – phone outreach isneasy. 

From dealing with hard-to-reach prospects to getting in touch with the wrong people, phone outreach can be difficult. But, if you’re not already using it as a strategy to grow your business, you’re going to want to start now. The numbers speak for themselves – look at these statistics and trends about phone outreach and business growth:   (more…)

Communication: The Foundation of Sales

Communication: The Foundation of Sales

Communication and Sales, especially B2B sales, go hand in hand. Very few decisions in the business-to-business landscape are made without some kind of human engagement. Effective communication between salespeople and buyers is crucial. In the process of communicating with prospects, talented salespeople focus their prospecting efforts on properly qualifying, utilizing Effective probing questions, and setting up sales opportunities that have a true “reason to meet”. Let’s dive into more technical concepts about communication. 

The verbal communication process is built on four main components: encoding, medium of transmission, decoding and feedback. Encoding is the translation of thoughts. From a salesperson’s point of view, it is taking a larger, more abstract picture and breaking it down into simple terms for the buyer to easily understand. In order to enhance the encoding stage, the salesperson should focus on two things: their choice of words and tone. Using short words and phrases can keep the salesperson from rambling and losing the prospect’s interest. Having specific answers to the prospect’s questions will provide a level of transparency, ultimately leading to a more trusting prospect. The salesperson’s tone of voice should match the level of the prospect’s energy level. If the prospect seems quieter, having a loud and aggressive approach may just turn off the prospect for the rest of the conversation.   (more…)

Pandemic hasn’t tempered coffee’s popularity

Pandemic hasn’t tempered coffee’s popularity

Published in Vending Times on

Coffee is an essential part of the convenience services industry, especially considering the number of Americans who drink coffee every day has increased by 5% over the past five years, according to The National Coffee Association. In a recent report, NCA highlighted how the average American coffee drinker drinks over three cups of coffee per day. The coffee and beverage industry has seen a lot of changes over the last few years, and even more so due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Luckily for the coffee industry, 75% of coffee drinkers say the pandemic has not changed their coffee consumption. Check out the trends below to better target potential business prospects and consumers. (more…)

20 Things We’ve Learned in Sales Prospecting Over 20 Years

It’s hard to sum up 20 years of industry experience in one article, but we are going to try. We are so excited to celebrate 20 years of providing B2B Appointment Setting & Lead Generation services, as well as Integrated Marketing solutions! Over the years, we’ve gained extensive sales knowledge that helps us provide continued value to our clients. After brainstorming as a team, here’s a summary of what we learned, particularly as it relates to the prospecting bucket of the sales process: 

1. Maintain a Clean CRM.

Without a well-designed and well-utilized CRM, there is no way to organize a productive day. If you don’t know who your prospects are, how do you expect to nurture them and build brand recognition with them? If you don’t have a CRM, work on getting one, and use Excel for the time being.

2. Take Great Notes on All Prospect Conversations. 

You may have a great memory, but why would you crowd your brain up with information from hundreds of conversations or rely on it, for that matter? Reflect on the interaction and enter all relevant information they relayed to you. Before your next call or email, revisit your notes to be precise and show you were listening.

3. Quality Prospect Lists Yield Better Results. 

While purchasing a third-party list might be appealing cost-wise and a time-saver, the data will be outdated and require hours of thorough qualification work to update. Be prepared to Invest in a quality list – the growth of your business relies on it. Whether your team organically builds it in-house, purchase a list or have it vetted by a skilled call team like MarketReach, better data yields better results.  (more…)

How to Make Your Employees Feel at Ease When Returning to Work

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. As states begin to move through the stages of reopening, it’s starting to look like businesses will be able to start opening their offices sooner rather than later. Regularly check the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s website as it updates state-specific and sector-specific resources. Also tune into the CDC’s and AIHA’s websites for guidelines on office reopening. 

After months of working from home, it’s expected that your employees may be a little apprehensive about returning to work, especially when the future is so uncertain. Changes in the office environment will certainly play in a role in your employees’ uneasiness. Consider these steps (all of which you can start taking right now), that will help your employees feel more comfortable as we take the first step on the long road towards normalcy.  

Let them know that you will prioritize their health and safety 

Public health and government officials are guiding these decisionsWe will only get the “OK” to return to work when it is safe to do so. Still, it makes sense why your employees, especially those with compromised immune systems, may be nervous to be around others in proximityAs their employer, you can be taking steps right now to ease their concerns.   (more…)

What B2B Sales Activity Will Look Like in 2022 and Beyond

What B2B Sales Activity Will Look Like in 2022 and Beyond

The last few years haven’t been easy for those working in the B2B sales industry due to many barriers, including working from homethe difficulty of meeting in person, and the obvious non-sales related priorities that have taken over the psyche of buyers.  At the beginning of the year, like any year, we were all optimistic about what 2021 would bring, but now we must figure out how to pick up the pieces that the pandemic has left behind.    (more…)

Innovate New Jersey book

Innovate New Jersey – MarketReach

MarketReach has recently been featured in InnovationsoftheWorld.com’s Innovate New Jersey published book! Here is our story below:


Telemarketing Done Properly Is Among The Only Marketing Methods To Incite Two-way Communication.

MarketReach tackles the important but time-consuming task of acquiring those coveted in-person or phone sales appointments to help grow their client’s business, faster! Additional integrated marketing techniques help support the entire sales pipeline by offering clients a leg-up to get in their prospect’s door through multi-channel marketing activities.

MarketReach team

It’s a new decade and yes, Cold Calling still works

The prospecting side of sales is a restless and evolving component of the total sales process. It could not possibly sit around and remain the same. Change in sales processes were inevitable, whether we liked it or not.

Modern-day buyers no longer have to rely solely on the information given from a salesperson since research is at their fingertips. Information on a company’s reputation or client reviews are just a click away. However, the transaction of the sale, particularly in B2B, is still often made between the vendor and buyer.


2019 Pros to Know Awardee

2019 Automatic Merchandiser “Pros to Know” Awardee

The sixth annual Automatic Merchandiser and VendingMarketWatch.com Pros to Know Award recognizes vending, micro market and office coffee service industry professionals who are leading initiatives to help prepare their company, organization and the industry for the significant challenges of today’s business climate. This award highlights both individual and group achievements that promote industry innovation and future growth.     

MarketReach, 2019 Pro to Know
