Motivating Your Sales Team During the Holiday Season
Having a motivated and happy team can be beneficial for a company in many ways. As we near the end of the year, it’s important to keep your teams’ spirits high! We all know the dreaded “Call Me After the Holidays” line that is bound to come up in November and December, but making sure your team is prepared mentally and physically can prevent that from becoming an issue.
There are a few different ways to get your team motivated and implementing them in the last couple months of the year can not only help to prevent burnout within your staff, but it can increase results in terms of productivity as well.
Sales Competitions
Many people are motivated by money, so creating a fun and festive end of the year sales competition where people are rewarded monetarily can be a good way to keep the team inspired. Providing rewards based off results is also a good way to increase productivity. Contests can be done monthly, weekly or even daily! Don’t be afraid to switch things up to increase engagement and enthusiasm. A little healthy competition can go a long way.
Being Attentive
On top of the sales competitions, it’s important to recognize an employee’s hard work and success. It lets them know you’re paying attention and are appreciative of what they do. On the other hand, it’s also important to acknowledge when someone may be struggling. Noticing when someone may need some assistance and providing them with what they need to be successful can make all the difference. It can also show that you care about their mental well-being during what may be a difficult time of the year for some.
Holidays Parties
Beyond work-related motivation, don’t forget to take a step back and show your team some end-of-year appreciation with a company holiday party. These can be done in-person or virtual depending on your company’s situation. Office parties, company happy hours or virtual events on third-party sites are a good way to go! There are things like holiday trivia and bingo that can get everyone on the team involved and engaged, even from a distance. You can also set up a fun employee awards ceremony to celebrate the end of the year!
Keeping your teams spirits high during the end of the year holiday season is essential for companies to succeed as we head into the New Year. When employees are motivated, they perform better. Using the holidays to boost morale will only amplify a great corporate culture and decrease employee turnover. It can also help to set you up for a strong start at the beginning of the New Year! These are just some ideas on how to motivate employees during the holiday season.
If your team is still finding it difficult to get ahead in sales, perhaps you can consider using an appointment setting service to deliver warmed and prequalified leads to their door. Setting them up for success, via warm sales appointments, can allow your best closers to do what they do best – close deals!
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