Perks of Adding Peppermint to Your Office Environment
At just about 2pm on a weekday, employees across the nation begin to sag into their afternoon slump. It’s more than halfway through the day, but not quite the end. Even coffee can’t seem to start up any motivation. If you think that 2pm dozing time is just a coincidental myth, you’d be wrong.
Studies on Office Productivity
A study done by LondonOffices showed that this time of day is the most unproductive in the office. Attention spans shorten, and internet use makes it startlingly easy to become sucked into the black holes of Facebook and Google. Your morning, which had been off to a great start, now seems to nosedive like the Titanic.
So, what can be done to increase productivity when the early afternoon rolls around? Get up and go for a walk? Drink a big glass of water? Do some stretching? Go outside for a breath of fresh air? As hard as many have tried, it can sometimes seem like an impossible task.
Peppermint Helps with Pep
Little do many know, there’s one solution that is so small and simple that it can fit in the palm of your hand. It can even be purchased at the local convenience store: Peppermints. Yes, the candy, but more specifically, the peppermint oil itself. Dr. Bryan Raudenbush from Wheeling Jesuit University explained:
“peppermint scent significantly increases oxygen saturation and blood pressure, which results in physiological arousal.”
Essentially, blood carries oxygen to the brain. Peppermint increases how much oxygen is in your blood and how much blood is going to the brain. Therefore, your ability to stay on task and concentrate becomes heightened.
Sugar Plays a Role
Both the smell of peppermint and ingesting it have shown increased results in memory and attention, according to an article published in 2005 in the “North American Journal of Psychology,” but eating a candy tends to have a stronger effect. Not only does the peppermint oil help, but the candy also has sugar in it. Sugar is your brain’s primary source of energy, and without enough power, it can become hard for us to focus and pay attention. So when you have a peppermint, you are getting both a stimulating dose of peppermint as well as more fuel for your brain.
The Washington Post first published an article about the power of peppermint back in 2007, and its popularity has blossomed since that time. In the past few years, a product called essential oils have become a hit on the market. These different oils, including peppermint, are all said to have different effects on us, from focus to relaxation. You can place the oil directly onto your skin, in food products, or even use a diffuser to disperse the smell throughout the rest of the room. Other forms of peppermint like tea and candles can be found in abundance.
While the use of peppermint may not be a definitive solution for everyone, it is certainly something to think about trying for the next time 2pm rolls around. Get creative and get your motivation back.
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