10 Tips to Take Aim at Your Target Market

10 Tips to Take Aim at Your Target Market

Written by Amanda Puppo
Published in Business Brokerage Press
Who are your best clients? Wouldn’t you like to have more just like them? Most of us would. (more…)

4 B2B Marketing Trends You Can’t Afford to Miss in 2018

4 B2B Marketing Trends You Can’t Afford to Miss in 2018

Lack of strategy is the primary reasons why content initiatives fail.
The new year is coming fast, and the best way to prepare — and stay ahead of your competitors — is to anticipate upcoming trends in B2B marketing. Just like the previous years, marketers will have to continue to deal with tangible growth and ROI pressures in 2018 as well.  Here are four emerging marketing trends you need to integrate into your 2018 marketing plan.