The Ultimate Guide to Following up on Trade Show Leads

The Ultimate Guide to Following up on Trade Show Leads

Following up on your Trade Show leads is exhausting! Research done by Lynch Exhibits Inc. and In4med Corp found that:

98% of exhibitors collect sales leads at trade shows,
but less than 70% have any formalized plan or process in place for how those leads are followed up with. (more…)

Sales Cheer After the Holidays

Sales Cheer After the Holidays

Phone prospecting for new customers in a new year”
As Featured in: Inside Dental Technology

Written By Amanda Puppo, CEO of MarketReach
January 2018
Volume 9, Issue 1



21 Killer Out-Of-The-Box Sales Tips to End Deal Drought

21 Killer Out-Of-The-Box Sales Tips to End Deal Drought

To navigate the world of sales, you’ve got to be flexible. Time-tested techniques aren’t so tested anymore when the person applying them doesn’t account for the context. And when it comes to context, the business landscape has changed drastically in the last decade or so.  (more…)

Reaching the Decision Maker by Phone: The Secret of Success

Reaching the Decision Maker by Phone: The Secret of Success

Sure, you can make 25 cold calls an hour, but how often do you reach the decision maker? Three times? Four times? (more…)

Let Their Fingers Do the Walking

Published in |
Business Profile – 2009 (more…)