What’s a Book of Business Got to do with Picking Up the Phone?

What’s a Book of Business Got to do with Picking Up the Phone?

How can calling still drive leads? It’s suprisingly a very effective way of marketing. People always have their phones available, so contact has never been easier. You just need to know how to sell to whoever answers your call.

After speaking with several successful, tenured producers at the Professional Insurance Agents’ (PIA) annual conference in Atlantic City, it was interesting to note that many built key blocks of their book of business through outbound calling.  Evidently picking up the phone has got a lot to do with a book of business.

Some will protest this statement, citing, “But it is 2022 now.  There is no way a producer could profitably or reasonably add new clients to their book of business by pounding the phones, is there?” The answer is, yes. Here’s why.


Telemarketing: “Put that coffee down – coffee is for closers only!”

Telemarketing: “Put that coffee down – coffee is for closers only!”

As Featured in “Vending Market Watch”, April 11th, 2018 by BY BOB TULLIO (more…)

5 Tips To Achieve Successful Telemarketing Outsourcing

5 Tips To Achieve Successful Telemarketing Outsourcing

So, congratulations if you’ve decided to outsource a task to a company that is outbound. You are now definitely a step forward in the game of closing sales with your customers through appointment setting and relationship building with them. But, wait, you must be aware that outsourcing telemarketing can at times become very tricky to handle if you fail to implement it right. Just deriving outright results will not suffice if you do not appoint a telemarketing company that ensures to represent your business in a manner that’ll be consistent with the brand that you promote.


Sales Cheer After the Holidays

Sales Cheer After the Holidays

Phone prospecting for new customers in a new year”
As Featured in: Inside Dental Technology

Written By Amanda Puppo, CEO of MarketReach
January 2018
Volume 9, Issue 1



21 Killer Out-Of-The-Box Sales Tips to End Deal Drought

21 Killer Out-Of-The-Box Sales Tips to End Deal Drought

To navigate the world of sales, you’ve got to be flexible. Time-tested techniques aren’t so tested anymore when the person applying them doesn’t account for the context. And when it comes to context, the business landscape has changed drastically in the last decade or so.  (more…)

Reaching the Decision Maker by Phone: The Secret of Success

Reaching the Decision Maker by Phone: The Secret of Success

Sure, you can make 25 cold calls an hour, but how often do you reach the decision maker? Three times? Four times? (more…)

Let Their Fingers Do the Walking

Published in |
Business Profile – 2009 (more…)