What’s a Book of Business Got to do with Picking Up the Phone?
How can calling still drive leads? It’s suprisingly a very effective way of marketing. People always have their phones available, so contact has never been easier. You just need to know how to sell to whoever answers your call.
After speaking with several successful, tenured producers at the Professional Insurance Agents’ (PIA) annual conference in Atlantic City, it was interesting to note that many built key blocks of their book of business through outbound calling. Evidently picking up the phone has got a lot to do with a book of business.
Some will protest this statement, citing, “But it is 2022 now. There is no way a producer could profitably or reasonably add new clients to their book of business by pounding the phones, is there?” The answer is, yes. Here’s why.
Outbound calling, commonly referred to by many in the commercial insurance world by its more detracting name, ‘telemarketing’, is viewed as an “old fashioned” way that producers generated leads that is no longer effective in today’s technology-driven world. But that view is inaccurate, as I have personally seen agencies go from no prospect list or outbound marketing to a flow of appointments and closing deals with six-figure premiums in a matter of six months. So, what simple steps can you take to use your phone as a lead generation tool and make business happen?
Strategize on the Why.
Most importantly, be sure you know WHY you are going to call your prospects. If you cannot articulate how you are going to add value to their life or solve a problem, then do not call anyone.
However, once you know WHY you are going to call them, your message will be powerful and command their attention, which will get reactions and results. If your aim is to solve problems or add value, make sure that resonates through your tonality on the phone! Even though it is a cold-call, people will respect an agent who is reaching out to them with a true purpose.
Engage the Prospect with Questions.
Even though you have a compelling reason to cold-call a specific business owner or CFO you cannot simply unload your great value proposition on them as soon as they pick up the phone. In order to get the prospect to listen to how you think you can help their business, engage them by asking intelligent questions designed to find pain-points with their current broker or carrier. For example, what questions can you ask the prospect specific to their manufacturing business that may lead to a conversation on better coverage or deeper discounts based on their property and procedures?
Once the prospect starts talking about their situation, it will be much easier for you to tailor your solutions to their group dynamic — all you have to do is listen.
Just do it.
At the risk of being sued by Nike’s extravagant legal team, the most critical and simple thing producers need to do in order to make new connections and clients from outbound calling is to just do it. Even with an optimal strategy, excellent questions and communication skills, it is going to take you more than just a handful of calls to bring in results that will truly impact your book of business. Making those outbound calls does not have to take a lot of time or effort if you set-up your list of prospects effectively, but you do need to dedicate at least a few hours a week to see opportunities come to fruition.
Outbound calling is not the enemy of smart marketing. Outbound calling is not a waste of time or ineffective unless you are doing it entirely wrong. There is a lot of successful agents walking the halls of every PIA event that can recount a few pieces of their book that would not be there if it were not for a well-placed call.
If you are having trouble finding the time to make these calls, consider MarketReach! Stay tuned for future issues, as we take a deeper dive into formulating value proposition, how to build effective prospect lists for maximum lead flow, and utilizing multi-channel marketing – specifically, how to layer LinkedIn connection and awareness, Email marketing, Blog content and Phone calling towards a year-long approach to build the brand and capitalize on a full sales pipeline!
Schedule a consultation today!
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