Breakroom Service Providers: Sales Tips to Finish 2021 Strong

Even though there didn’t appear to be much of a “summer”, the calendar kept moving. Not long ago we were writing about the importance of Qualifying Prospects During COVID-19 and What to Expect From Salespeople During this Time, and now fall has already arrived. Whether vacations were canceled, rescheduled or modified, working people hopefully took some time off to refresh and sales has become top of mind again. Let’s turn up the momentum as decision makers return from their “summer” vacations, eager to start the last quarter strong.  

Track your efforts and re-strategize. 

Identify the prospects you contacted these last few months, and ask yourself the following questions: During the shift to “work from home” that occurred with certain industriesdid you make stronger attempts to go after blue-collar businesses that were more likely still onsite? Did you make ‘touch base’ calls by phone when businesses were adapting to the pandemic? Did you utilize any direct mail campaigns or email newsletters and monitor engagement? Did you attend any virtual networking events or conferences? Did you enter new contact information into your CRM or prospect Excel spreadsheet?    (more…)

How to Make Your Employees Feel at Ease When Returning to Work

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. As states begin to move through the stages of reopening, it’s starting to look like businesses will be able to start opening their offices sooner rather than later. Regularly check the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s website as it updates state-specific and sector-specific resources. Also tune into the CDC’s and AIHA’s websites for guidelines on office reopening. 

After months of working from home, it’s expected that your employees may be a little apprehensive about returning to work, especially when the future is so uncertain. Changes in the office environment will certainly play in a role in your employees’ uneasiness. Consider these steps (all of which you can start taking right now), that will help your employees feel more comfortable as we take the first step on the long road towards normalcy.  

Let them know that you will prioritize their health and safety 

Public health and government officials are guiding these decisionsWe will only get the “OK” to return to work when it is safe to do so. Still, it makes sense why your employees, especially those with compromised immune systems, may be nervous to be around others in proximityAs their employer, you can be taking steps right now to ease their concerns.   (more…)

Why the Vending Industry is Adapting Their Value Proposition During the Pandemic

As we slowly come out of the economic crisis that the pandemic has created, it will become increasingly important to emphasize your company’s value during your prospect calls. A value proposition explains how your breakroom offerings solve customers’ problems or improves their situations. Let’s face it, it’s not always easy to differentiate, but it is the most important first step toward an effective sales strategy.  

Differentiation is not just about price, either. Though we must be competitive, other factors, including variety in services and products, quality customer service and updated equipment also help your company differentiate itself. A solid value proposition demonstrates credibility and expertise while developing trust. Here are some tips on creating a more compelling statement to present with during your prospect phone outreach. 


REDIRECTED – Adapting Your Value Proposition During a Pandemic

As we slowly come out of the economic crisis that the pandemic has created, it will become increasingly important to emphasize the value your company brings to the table. Decision makers may not be ready to make buying decisions the same way they did six months ago, but then again, rarely are we making one-call-closes anyway, right?  However, in the months to come, it will ever-more important to show your prospects why they need what you offer so that when the time is right, they think of you. Undoubtedly, this has always been important, but since priorities have shifted (for example, getting staff in an effective work-from-home model), a strong focus on your value proposition should help redirect their attention. MarketReach can help script a new value proposition and deliver it your best prospects.  (more…)

Adapting your Agency’s Value Proposition

Adapting your Agency’s Value Proposition

As we slowly come out of the economic crisis, it will become increasingly important to emphasize your agency’s value during your prospect callsDecisionmakers may be slow to switch their brokers today or next month, but insurance is one of those buying decisions that MUST be made. Come renewal time, they will either shop their policy and switch, or they will stick with what they have, which is still a buying decision.   

In the months to come, show your prospects why they need your expertise so that when the time is right, they think of you. Undoubtedly, this has always been important, but since priorities have shifted, such as getting staff in an effective work-from-home model, Producers must consider their value prop even more to get attention, while we are still knee-deep into this pandemic. MarketReach can help script a new value proposition and deliver it to your prospect list through skilled phone outreach.  (more…)

How to Stay in Touch With Clients During the Pandemic

Article published in Vending Times on  by Amanda Puppo

In the early months of this pandemic, B2B sales became less of a priority for many convenience services operators, and it became difficult to figure out the right approach. For many businesses, breakroom service changes had been put on the backburner as other operational items had been prioritized.

But just because things have been tough does not mean that they will not get better. It is more important than ever to stay in touch with your customers that may have put spend on hold, or reduced, during this time.


What B2B Sales Activity Will Look Like in 2022 and Beyond

What B2B Sales Activity Will Look Like in 2022 and Beyond

The last few years haven’t been easy for those working in the B2B sales industry due to many barriers, including working from homethe difficulty of meeting in person, and the obvious non-sales related priorities that have taken over the psyche of buyers.  At the beginning of the year, like any year, we were all optimistic about what 2021 would bring, but now we must figure out how to pick up the pieces that the pandemic has left behind.    (more…)

What to Expect from Salespeople at This Time

What to Expect from Salespeople in the Vending Industry

As it has been for all, it’s been an especially tough few months in the breakroom service industryAlthough some companies are seeing sales numbers return “back to normal”, that is not typicalThe uncertainty of employees returning back to the office has challenged the industry and the services it provides. Sales numbers are usually a good indicator of success, but now that your salespeople most likely aren’t making as many sales, what should you expect from them? Perhaps you’ve furloughed some employees and have brought them back with your stimulus check (even though your usual workload has not returned). So, if they can’t perform their main role of selling, what expectations should you have for your salespeople? Here are some aspects to consider:   (more…)

What to Expect from Producers at This Time

What to Expect from Producers at This Time

The past few months have been filled with ups and downs for producers. Although some firms are seeing sales numbers return “back to normal”, that is not the case for all companies. Sales numbers are usually a good indicator of success, but now that your producers most likely aren’t making as many new sales (though they may be better off for retention), what should you expect from them? Perhaps you’ve furloughed some employees and have brought them back with your stimulus check (even though your usual workload has not returned). So, if they can’t perform their main role of selling, what expectations should you have for your producers? Here are some aspects to consider:   (more…)

How to Stay in Touch with Clients You Lost During the Pandemic

In the past few months, as businesses have closed their doors and began to work from home, and while spending on new services has become fewer and far between, most businesses have also seen a decrease in clientele. In the early months of this pandemic, B2B sales became less of a priority, and also difficult to figure out the right approach. For many, sales has been put on the backburner as other things, like transitioning to a new work environment, have been prioritized. Just because things have been tough, does not mean that they will not get better, however. It is more important than ever to stay in touch with your customers that may have put spend on hold during this time.  Here are some easy ways to stay in touch with clients that will make a big difference in the months to come:   (more…)