Chances are your Salespeople are Failing at this Critical Skill

Chances are your Salespeople are Failing at this Critical Skill

As a Telemarketing company, we hear it over and over – “Cold calling is dead.”

“No one cold calls anymore.”

“Cold calling is a waste of time.”

It’s hard for us to understand why the average success rate for cold calling is 1.48%.*


Creating Great Rebuttals for Those Pesky Objections on the Intro Call

I Object! Creating Great Rebuttals for Those Pesky Objections on the Intro Call

Published in Multi-Briefs – Written by Amanda Puppo.

If you’re in sales, handling objections is part of the job. How do you get the conversation back on track, make that appointment or close that sale? Handling objections is one of the most important and difficult components to making the introductory call.


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Opportunity Knocks: Setting Qualified Appointments Is Key To Micro Market Success

Opportunity Knocks: Setting Qualified Appointments Is Key To Micro Market Success

Have you hopped aboard the fast-moving micromarket train? More and more operators are eagerly adopting this new approach to self-service, 24-hour delivery of fresh food, snacks, drinks and more as an alternative to traditional full-line vending service. (more…)