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The Power of B2B Telemarketing in the Convenience Services Industry

In an enlightening podcast episode from the Vending and OCS Nation podcast hosted by Bob Tullio, the conversation with Amanda Puppo, founder and CEO of MarketReach Inc. sheds light on the undiminished relevance of B2B telemarketing in today’s digital age. Despite prevailing skepticism, Puppo’s insights reveal that B2B telemarketing, far from being obsolete, remains a dynamic and effective tool for generating business opportunities, especially in the convenience services industry.

Pandemic hasn’t tempered coffee’s popularity

Pandemic hasn’t tempered coffee’s popularity

Published in Vending Times on

Coffee is an essential part of the convenience services industry, especially considering the number of Americans who drink coffee every day has increased by 5% over the past five years, according to The National Coffee Association. In a recent report, NCA highlighted how the average American coffee drinker drinks over three cups of coffee per day. The coffee and beverage industry has seen a lot of changes over the last few years, and even more so due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Luckily for the coffee industry, 75% of coffee drinkers say the pandemic has not changed their coffee consumption. Check out the trends below to better target potential business prospects and consumers. (more…)

Convenience services operator sales tips for a rebuilding year

Convenience Services Operator Sales Tips For a Rebuilding Year

Published on Vending Times Feb. 22, 2021

After a long and arduous year, 2021 brings a fresh start. Now is the perfect opportunity to revamp your company’s sales and marketing plan if you haven’t yet. All over the country, we have spoken to convenience services operators that have lost from 20% to 40% of their business due to a work-at-home environment that is a little more longer-lasting than we would have imagined. Those that have suffered the most have a better portion of their business in the white collar space. But – have hope – there are brighter days ahead, and there is something you can do about it.  (more…)

The Benefits of Crafting a Well-Written Prospecting Script

The Benefits of Crafting a Well-Written Prospecting Script

The most daunting part of making a sales call is preparing for the unknown. Will I reach decision-makers?  What kind of questions will the decisionmaker ask? Am I prepared with the best responses? Enter the sales script! Think a script is only useful for newbie salespeople? Think again! With the new year comes an opportunity to dust off old material and think of our messaging in a new way. This also allows for an opportunity to showcase new technology, services or offerings you’ve recently added. Taking the time to craft a script that is timely and relevant can mean the difference between a closed deal (great intro, effective probing questions and a convincingly delivered Value Propositionand a lost opportunity (due to a poor introduction and lack of engagement questions that lead to a summary dismissal). 

Consider these benefits of taking the time to craft a new prospecting script:     (more…)

Creative Ideas for Vending During the Holidays

Creative Ideas for Vending During the Holidays

The holidays will be here before we know it! The ongoing pandemic may put a damper on holiday cheer, but keeping the spirit alive is essential. The Vending Industry can help in that department in some unexpected ways. Creativity and innovation will keep us coming together, even while we may be celebrating apart. Here are some jolly suggestions:  


Believe it or not, vending machines can make donations to charities simple. While it sounds optimistic, innovators have proved it is possible. The Light The World Campaign proved what one vending machine can accomplish. The Holiday Giving Vending Machine is like any other, except instead of buying a box of crackers, you can buy donations. With locations in London, Manila, New York City, Salt Lake City, and Denver, this machine is spreading glee globally. Within the past three years, it has made countless donations and raised 2.3 million dollars last year.   (more…)

The Power of Testimonials and Reviews in the Vending Industry

The Power of Testimonials and Reviews in the Vending Industry

It is safe to say that there are no better marketing toolthan testimonials and reviews. People want to hear about the good and the bad and, truthfully, anything you see on a company’s website will always come with some bias. For vending and micro-markets, hearing from past customers is good way to decide whether the product or service will be the right fit. There are many benefits – for both your prospects and your company – that come with sharing testimonials and reviews. Some of these benefits include:   (more…)

Breakroom Service Providers: Sales Tips to Finish 2021 Strong

Even though there didn’t appear to be much of a “summer”, the calendar kept moving. Not long ago we were writing about the importance of Qualifying Prospects During COVID-19 and What to Expect From Salespeople During this Time, and now fall has already arrived. Whether vacations were canceled, rescheduled or modified, working people hopefully took some time off to refresh and sales has become top of mind again. Let’s turn up the momentum as decision makers return from their “summer” vacations, eager to start the last quarter strong.  

Track your efforts and re-strategize. 

Identify the prospects you contacted these last few months, and ask yourself the following questions: During the shift to “work from home” that occurred with certain industriesdid you make stronger attempts to go after blue-collar businesses that were more likely still onsite? Did you make ‘touch base’ calls by phone when businesses were adapting to the pandemic? Did you utilize any direct mail campaigns or email newsletters and monitor engagement? Did you attend any virtual networking events or conferences? Did you enter new contact information into your CRM or prospect Excel spreadsheet?    (more…)

Why the Vending Industry is Adapting Their Value Proposition During the Pandemic

As we slowly come out of the economic crisis that the pandemic has created, it will become increasingly important to emphasize your company’s value during your prospect calls. A value proposition explains how your breakroom offerings solve customers’ problems or improves their situations. Let’s face it, it’s not always easy to differentiate, but it is the most important first step toward an effective sales strategy.  

Differentiation is not just about price, either. Though we must be competitive, other factors, including variety in services and products, quality customer service and updated equipment also help your company differentiate itself. A solid value proposition demonstrates credibility and expertise while developing trust. Here are some tips on creating a more compelling statement to present with during your prospect phone outreach. 


How to Stay in Touch With Clients During the Pandemic

Article published in Vending Times on  by Amanda Puppo

In the early months of this pandemic, B2B sales became less of a priority for many convenience services operators, and it became difficult to figure out the right approach. For many businesses, breakroom service changes had been put on the backburner as other operational items had been prioritized.

But just because things have been tough does not mean that they will not get better. It is more important than ever to stay in touch with your customers that may have put spend on hold, or reduced, during this time.


What to Expect from Salespeople at This Time

What to Expect from Salespeople in the Vending Industry

As it has been for all, it’s been an especially tough few months in the breakroom service industryAlthough some companies are seeing sales numbers return “back to normal”, that is not typicalThe uncertainty of employees returning back to the office has challenged the industry and the services it provides. Sales numbers are usually a good indicator of success, but now that your salespeople most likely aren’t making as many sales, what should you expect from them? Perhaps you’ve furloughed some employees and have brought them back with your stimulus check (even though your usual workload has not returned). So, if they can’t perform their main role of selling, what expectations should you have for your salespeople? Here are some aspects to consider:   (more…)