Your Prospect Demographics Have Changed, So Re-Qualify!

Your Prospect Demographics Have Changed, So Re-Qualify!

Your prospect list should always be a living document, but right now, more than ever, it needs a check-up. The companies that are back at work must be re-qualified before prospecting can be performed successfullythis task can be performed by either your salesman or by MarketReachThere are three prime areas that require a re-qualification in the face of changes that COVID-19 brought on, and they are (1) the decision-maker’s name and title, (2) staff size if that is relevant and (3) how to get in contact with the decision-maker if they are working remote.  Salespeople will be frustrated and, may in fact, become demotivated to prospect if their whole world is turned upside down — who they thought their prospects WERE, are NOT targets anymore. A salesperson’s job has become monumentally harder.   (more…)

Qualifying sales prospects more important post COVID-19; how to prepare

Published on June 8, 2020 in Vending Times


As locations start to reopen for business following the COVID-19 quarantines, now’s a good time to strategize your sales calls.  

Companies that do their homework about their prospective customers before calling them usually have better results, but in an environment where businesses are in a reopening mode, customer research is especially important. 

Businesses that employ people need refreshment services, but they might have other priorities at the present time. In addition, they might not know how many employees they will be rehiring. How can you best “break the ice”? 

It’s all about the “warm” call over the “cold call”: research your prospects. Research will allow you to have a better understanding of the company you’re calling on, which will lead to a successful conversation with your prospect.  (more…)

Prospect Qualification for Breakroom Suppliers

Prospect Qualification for Breakroom Suppliers

One of the most important topics you can cover with your sales reps: the effect that a successful qualification call can have on the sales process. The impact is inimitable. Proper qualification saves the sales team time, so that labor that can be properly allocated to pursuable opportunities. This process prevents pipelines from getting filled with an abundance of unqualified, or more so underqualified, prospects that drain your sales rep’s time and energy. Imagine dialing in multiple times over to the same prospect that is estimated to have 120 employees, only to reach them and find out they actually have 22 on-site! Or making 6 calls over 3 months to Suzie, who turns out to be a “coordinator” – hardly a decision-maker.

Although certain criteria requirements vary from Operator to Operator, the importance of an effective qualification call remains constant.

Hubspot Report Part One – The Hard Truth About Acquisition Costs

Hubspot Report: Part One – The Hard Truth About Acquisition Costs (and How Your Customers Can Save You)

Hubspot Report Part Two – The Hard Truth About Acquisition Costs

Hubspot Report: Part Two – The Hard Truth About Acquisition Costs (and How Your Customers Can Save You)

10 Tips to Take Aim at Your Target Market

10 Tips to Take Aim at Your Target Market

Written by Amanda Puppo
Published in Business Brokerage Press
Who are your best clients? Wouldn’t you like to have more just like them? Most of us would. (more…)

Opportunity Knocks: Setting Qualified Appointments Is Key To Micro Market Success

Opportunity Knocks: Setting Qualified Appointments Is Key To Micro Market Success

Have you hopped aboard the fast-moving micromarket train? More and more operators are eagerly adopting this new approach to self-service, 24-hour delivery of fresh food, snacks, drinks and more as an alternative to traditional full-line vending service. (more…)

Improve Your Prospecting – Ways to Develop a Solid List & How to Manage It.

Improve Your Prospecting – Ways to Develop a Solid List & How to Manage It.

Interview with Amanda Puppo, CEO of MarketReach.
Published on

What’s the first step toward making a sale? It’s not setting up the appointment, or even picking up the telephone. The first step in making a sale is deciding WHO to call. (more…)