The End of Summer: A Strong Finish to 2019
By Jessie Geevers
Back in the beginning of the summer, we provided tips to keep your sales pipeline flowing through the summer months. Now let’s keep the momentum going as the decision makers return from their summer vacations, eager to finish out the last quarter strong.
Track your efforts and strategize.
Identify the prospects you contacted these last few months via phone or email, and ask yourself the following questions: Aside from traditional forms of outreach, did you utilize any direct mail campaigns or email newsletters and track clicks? Did you host or attend any summer networking events or conferences? Did you enter new business cards and contact information into your CRM? Did you get your foot in the door when business was slower in the summer? If you engaged in any of the above, hopefully you were recognized for your efforts to distinguish your company among the competition. Your summer efforts can push you forward in the line of competitors vying for the same business now that fall is around the corner.
There is no time like the present to follow up. Find out if there were any holes in your lines of communication. Who did you meet with this summer that should hear from you again? Identify these opportunities and strategize by assigning priorities to each task.
Tend to the seeds you have planted.
You may have only talked to influencers to the decision-maker over the last few months, but now you are more likely to reach the decision-makers themselves. You’ve built rapport with some staff members and now it’s go-time. It is that crucial time of year where budgets are typically constructed or finalized and decisions are made. Imagine being top-of-mind in a purchasing decision as the budget it being finalized. Being in the right place at the right time may land you the sale.
It’s easy to get wrapped up in new opportunities, but don’t miss the chance to catch up with current clients and referrals to heat up some activity. Staying in touch with these individuals and maintaining your professional relationships is key to client retention and increasing the chances of referrals. Clients like to feel valued, so reach out to them more than just when you are requesting a check or signature on a renewal. Clients that feel appreciated are more likely to be loyal when a renewal opportunity approaches.
The right time to sell.
Take advantage of the fact that some businesses may have postponed important decisions until after the summer when all team members are present. Now might be the time to call since they are in the ready-to-purchase stage of the sales cycle.
There are plenty of hypothetical situations here, but one thing that remains the same among all businesses is how crucial this time of year is. For insurance, the January 1 renewal season is around the corner, which make great opportunities to persuade a prospect to shop their policy and benefit from your consultative approach. For coffee and vending, coffee season is here and brings opportunities for increased sales. Other industries operating on a fiscal year calendar who are evaluating budgets are great prospects to go after as well. Some companies may be looking for services you offer that will increase productivity and efficiency to end the last quarter on a good note. There are countless opportunities available this time of year – don’t fall behind!
Next steps.
Work your list and stay on target by organizing your sales activity in a CRM or, at the very least, an organized excel spreadsheet. Reminders will keep your outreach on track and help you close more business for the end of the year. In addition to phone outreach and appointment setting, utilize marketing tactics such as email newsletters, direct mail campaigns, and LinkedIn connect & awareness programs to boost your prospecting efforts.
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